Introduction to Pyogrio

Display GDAL version

You can display the GDAL version that Pyogrio was compiled against by

>>> pyogrio.__gdal_version__

List available drivers

Use pyogrio.list_drivers() to list all available drivers in your installation of GDAL. However, just because a driver is listed does not mean that it is currently compatible with Pyogrio.


Not all geometry or field types may be supported for all drivers.

>>> from pyogrio import list_drivers
>>> list_drivers()
{...'GeoJSON': 'rw', 'GeoJSONSeq': 'rw',...}

Drivers that support write capability in your version of GDAL end in "w". Certain drivers that are known to be unsupported in Pyogrio are disabled for write capabilities.

NOTE: not all drivers support writing the contents of a GeoDataFrame; you may encounter errors due to unsupported data types, unsupported geometry types, or other driver-related errors when writing to a data source.

To find subsets of drivers that support read or write capabilities:

>>> list_drivers(read=True)
>>> list_drivers(write=True)

See the full list of drivers for more information about specific drivers, including their write support and configuration options.

The following drivers are known to be well-supported and tested in Pyogrio:

  • ESRI Shapefile

  • FlatGeobuf

  • GeoJSON

  • GeoJSONSeq

  • GPKG

List available layers

To list layers available in a data source:

>>> from pyogrio import list_layers
>>> list_layers('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp')

# Outputs ndarray with the layer name and geometry type for each layer
array([['ne_10m_admin_0_countries', 'Polygon']], dtype=object)

Some data sources (e.g., ESRI FGDB) support multiple layers, some of which may be nonspatial. In this case, the geometry type will be None.

Read basic information about a data layer

To list information about a data layer in a data source, use the name of the layer or its index (0-based) within the data source. By default, this reads from the first layer.

>>> from pyogrio import read_info
>>> read_info('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp')

# Outputs a dictionary with `crs`, `driver`, `encoding`, `fields`, `geometry_type`, and
# `features`
  'crs': 'EPSG:4326',
  'encoding': 'UTF-8',
  'fields': array(['featurecla', 'scalerank', 'LABELRANK', ...], dtype=object),
  'dtypes': array(['int64', 'object', 'object', 'object', 'float64'], dtype=object),
  'geometry_type': 'Polygon',
  'features': 255,
  'driver': 'ESRI Shapefile',

NOTE: pyogrio will report UTF-8 if either the native encoding is likely to be UTF-8 or GDAL can automatically convert from the detected native encoding to UTF-8.

To read from a layer using name or index (the following are equivalent):

>>>read_info('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', layer='ne_10m_admin_0_countries')
>>>read_info('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', layer=0)

Read a data layer into a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame

To read all features from a spatial data layer. By default, this operates on the first layer unless layer is specified using layer name or index.

>>> from pyogrio import read_dataframe
>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp')

          featurecla  ...                                           geometry
0    Admin-0 country  ...  MULTIPOLYGON (((117.70361 4.16341, 117.70361 4...
1    Admin-0 country  ...  MULTIPOLYGON (((117.70361 4.16341, 117.69711 4...
2    Admin-0 country  ...  MULTIPOLYGON (((-69.51009 -17.50659, -69.50611...
3    Admin-0 country  ...  POLYGON ((-69.51009 -17.50659, -69.51009 -17.5...
4    Admin-0 country  ...  MULTIPOLYGON (((-69.51009 -17.50659, -69.63832...
..               ...  ...                                                ...
250  Admin-0 country  ...  MULTIPOLYGON (((113.55860 22.16303, 113.56943 ...
251  Admin-0 country  ...  POLYGON ((123.59702 -12.42832, 123.59775 -12.4...
252  Admin-0 country  ...  POLYGON ((-79.98929 15.79495, -79.98782 15.796...
253  Admin-0 country  ...  POLYGON ((-78.63707 15.86209, -78.64041 15.864...
254  Admin-0 country  ...  POLYGON ((117.75389 15.15437, 117.75569 15.151...

Read a subset of columns

You can read a subset of columns by including the columns parameter. This only affects non-geometry columns:

>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', columns=['ISO_A3'])
    ISO_A3                                           geometry
0      IDN  MULTIPOLYGON (((117.70361 4.16341, 117.70361 4...
1      MYS  MULTIPOLYGON (((117.70361 4.16341, 117.69711 4...
2      CHL  MULTIPOLYGON (((-69.51009 -17.50659, -69.50611...
3      BOL  POLYGON ((-69.51009 -17.50659, -69.51009 -17.5...
4      PER  MULTIPOLYGON (((-69.51009 -17.50659, -69.63832...
..     ...                                                ...
250    MAC  MULTIPOLYGON (((113.55860 22.16303, 113.56943 ...
251    -99  POLYGON ((123.59702 -12.42832, 123.59775 -12.4...
252    -99  POLYGON ((-79.98929 15.79495, -79.98782 15.796...
253    -99  POLYGON ((-78.63707 15.86209, -78.64041 15.864...
254    -99  POLYGON ((117.75389 15.15437, 117.75569 15.151...

Read a subset of features

You can read a subset of features using skip_features and max_features.

To skip the first 10 features:

>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', skip_features=10)

NOTE: Using this parameter may incur significant overhead if the driver does not support the capability to randomly seek to a specific feature, because it will need to iterate over all prior features.

NOTE: the index of the GeoDataFrame is based on the features that are read from the file, it does not start at skip_features.

To read only the first 10 features:

>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', max_features=10)

These can be combined to read defined ranges in the dataset, perhaps in multiple processes:

>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', skip_features=10, max_features=10)

NOTE: if use_arrow is True, skip_features and max_features will incur additional overhead because all features up to the next batch size above max_features (or size of data layer) will be read prior to slicing out the requested range of features. If max_features is less than the maximum Arrow batch size (65,536 features) only max_features will be read. All features up to skip_features are read from the data source and later discarded because the Arrow interface does not support randomly seeking a starting feature. This overhead is in comparison to reading via Arrow without these parameters, which is generally much faster than not using Arrow.

Filter records by attribute value

You can use the where parameter to filter features in layer by attribute values. If the data source natively supports SQL, its specific SQL dialect should be used (eg. SQLite and GeoPackage: SQLITE, PostgreSQL). If it doesn’t, the OGRSQL WHERE syntax should be used. Note that it is not possible to overrule the SQL dialect, this is only possible when you use the sql parameter.

>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', where="POP_EST >= 10000000 AND POP_EST < 100000000")

Filter records by spatial extent

You can use the bbox parameter to select only those features that intersect with the bbox.

>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', bbox=(-140, 20, -100, 40))

Note: the bbox values must be in the same CRS as the dataset.

Note: if GEOS is present and used by GDAL, only geometries that intersect bbox will be returned; if GEOS is not available or not used by GDAL, all geometries with bounding boxes that intersect this bbox will be returned. pyogrio.__gdal_geos_version__ will be None if GEOS is not detected.

Filter records by a geometry

You can use the mask parameter to select only those features that intersect with a Shapely (>= 2.0) geometry.

>>> mask = shapely.Polygon(([-80,8], [-80, 10], [-85,10], [-85,8], [-80,8]))
>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', mask=mask)

Note: the mask values must be in the same CRS as the dataset.

If your mask geometry is in some other representation, such as GeoJSON, you will need to convert it to a Shapely geometry before using mask.

>>> mask_geojson = '{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-80.0,8.0],[-80.0,10.0],[-85.0,10.0],[-85.0,8.0],[-80.0,8.0]]]}'
>>> mask = shapely.from_geojson(mask_geojson)
>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', mask=mask)

Note: if GEOS is present and used by GDAL, only geometries that intersect mask will be returned; if GEOS is not available or not used by GDAL, all geometries with bounding boxes that intersect the bounding box of mask will be returned. pyogrio.__gdal_geos_version__ will be None if GEOS is not detected.

Execute a sql query

You can use the sql parameter to execute a sql query on a dataset.

Depending on the dataset, you can use different sql dialects. By default, if the dataset natively supports sql, the sql statement will be passed through as such. Hence, the sql query should be written in the relevant native sql dialect (e.g. GeoPackage/ Sqlite, PostgreSQL). If the data source doesn’t natively support sql (e.g. ESRI Shapefile, FlatGeobuf), you can choose between ‘OGRSQL’ (the default) and ‘SQLITE’. For SELECT statements the ‘SQLITE’ dialect tends to provide more spatial features as all spatialite functions can be used. If gdal is not built with spatialite support in SQLite, you can use sql_dialect="INDIRECT_SQLITE" to be able to use spatialite functions on native SQLite files like Geopackage.

You can combine a sql query with other parameters that will filter the dataset. When using columns, skip_features, max_features, and/or where it is important to note that they will be applied AFTER the sql statement, so these are some things you need to be aware of:

  • if you specify an alias for a column in the sql statement, you need to specify this alias when using the columns keyword.

  • skip_features and max_features will be applied on the rows returned by the sql query, not on the original dataset.

For the bbox parameter, depending on the combination of the dialect of the sql query and the dataset, a spatial index will be used or not, e.g.:

  • ESRI Shapefile: spatial index is used with ‘OGRSQL’, not with ‘SQLITE’.

  • Geopackage: spatial index is always used.

The following sql query returns the 5 Western European countries with the most neighbours:

>>> sql = """
        SELECT geometry, name,
               (SELECT count(*)
                  FROM ne_10m_admin_0_countries layer_sub
                 WHERE ST_Intersects(layer.geometry, layer_sub.geometry)) AS nb_neighbours
          FROM ne_10m_admin_0_countries layer
         WHERE subregion = 'Western Europe'
         ORDER BY nb_neighbours DESC
         LIMIT 5"""
>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', sql=sql, sql_dialect='SQLITE')
          NAME  nb_neighbours                            geometry
0       France             11  MULTIPOLYGON (((-54.11153 2.114...
1      Germany             10  MULTIPOLYGON (((13.81572 48.766...
2      Austria              9  POLYGON ((16.94504 48.60417, 16...
3  Switzerland              6  POLYGON ((10.45381 46.86443, 10...
4      Belgium              5  POLYGON ((2.52180 51.08754, 2.5...

Force geometries to be read as 2D geometries

You can force a 3D dataset to 2D using force_2d:

>>> df = read_dataframe('has_3d.shp')
>>> df.iloc[0].geometry.has_z

>>> df = read_dataframe('has_3d.shp', force_2d=True)
>>> df.iloc[0].geometry.has_z

Read without geometry into a Pandas DataFrame

You can omit the geometry from a spatial data layer by setting read_geometry to False:

>>> read_dataframe('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp', columns=['ISO_A3'], read_geometry=False)
0      IDN
1      MYS
2      CHL
3      BOL
4      PER
..     ...
250    MAC
251    -99
252    -99
253    -99

Any read operation which does not include a geometry column, either by reading from a nonspatial data layer or by omitting the geometry column above, returns a Pandas DataFrame.

You can also read nonspatial tables, such as tables within an ESRI File Geodatabase or a DBF file, directly into a Pandas DataFrame.

Read feature bounds

You can read the bounds of all or a subset of features in the dataset in order to create a spatial index of features without reading all underlying geometries. This is typically 2-3x faster than reading full feature data, but the main benefit is to avoid reading all feature data into memory for very large datasets.

>>> from pyogrio import read_bounds
>>> fids, bounds = read_bounds('ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp')

fids provide the global feature id of each feature. bounds provide an ndarray of shape (4,n) with values for xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax.

This function supports options to subset features from the dataset:

  • skip_features

  • max_features

  • where

  • bbox

  • mask

Write a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame

You can write a GeoDataFrame df to a file as follows:

>>> from pyogrio import write_dataframe
>>> write_dataframe(df, "/tmp/test.gpkg")

By default, the appropriate driver is inferred from the extension of the filename:

If you want to write another file format supported by GDAL or if you want to overrule the default driver for an extension, you can specify the driver with the driver keyword, e.g. driver="GPKG".

Appending to an existing data source

Certain drivers may support the ability to append records to an existing data layer in an existing data source. See the GDAL driver listing for details about the capabilities of a driver for your version of GDAL.

>>> write_dataframe(df, "/tmp/existing_file.gpkg", append=True)

NOTE: the data structure of the data frame you are appending to the existing data source must exactly match the structure of the existing data source.

NOTE: not all drivers that support write capabilities support append capabilities for a given GDAL version.

Reading from compressed files / archives

GDAL supports reading directly from an archive, such as a zipped folder, without the need to manually unpack the archive first. This is especially useful when the dataset, such as a ESRI Shapefile, consists of multiple files and is distributed as a zipped archive.

GDAL handles this through the concept of virtual file systems using a /vsiPREFIX/.. path (for example /vsizip/..). For convenience, pyogrio also supports passing the path with the more common URI syntax using zip://..:

>>> read_dataframe("/vsizip/")
>>> read_dataframe("zip://")

If your archive contains multiple datasets, you need to specify which one to use; otherwise GDAL will default to the first one found.

>>> read_dataframe("/vsizip/")
>>> read_dataframe("zip://")
>>> read_dataframe("zip://!a/b/test.shp")

Pyogrio will attempt to autodetect zip files if the filename or archive path ends with .zip and will add the /vsizip/ prefix for you, but you must use "!" to denote the archive name in order to read a specific dataset within the archive:

>>> read_dataframe("!/a/b/test.shp")

Reading from remote filesystems

GDAL supports several remote filesystems, such as S3, Google Cloud or Azure, out of the box through the concept of virtual file systems. See GDAL’s docs on network file systems for more details. You can use GDAL’s native /vsi../ notation, but for convenience, pyogrio also supports passing the path with the more common URI syntax:

>>> read_dataframe("/vsis3/bucket/data.geojson")
>>> read_dataframe("s3://bucket/data.geojson")

It is also possible to combine multiple virtual filesystems, such as reading a zipped folder (see section above) from a remote filesystem:

>>> read_dataframe("vsizip/vsis3/bucket/")
>>> read_dataframe("zip+s3://bucket/")

You can also read from a URL with this syntax:

>>> read_dataframe("")
>>> read_dataframe("zip+")

Reading and writing DateTimes

GDAL only supports datetimes at a millisecond resolution. Reading data will thus give at most millisecond resolution (datetime64[ms] data type). With pandas 2.0 pyogrio.read_dataframe() will return datetime data as datetime64[ms] correspondingly. For previous versions of pandas, datetime64[ns] is used as ms precision was not supported. When writing, only precision up to ms is retained.

Not all file formats have dedicated support to store datetime data, like ESRI Shapefile. For such formats, or if you require precision > ms, a workaround is to convert the datetimes to string.

Timezone information is preserved where possible, however GDAL only represents time zones as UTC offsets, whilst pandas uses IANA time zones (via pytz or zoneinfo). This means that dataframes with columns containing multiple offsets (e.g. when switching from standard time to summer time) will be written correctly, but when read via pyogrio.read_dataframe() will be returned as a UTC datetime column, as there is no way to reconstruct the original timezone from the individual offsets present.

Dataset and layer creation options

It is possible to use dataset and layer creation options available for a given driver in GDAL (see the relevant GDAL driver page). These can be passed in as additional kwargs to write_dataframe or using dictionaries for dataset or layer-level options.

Where possible, Pyogrio uses the metadata of the driver to determine if a given option is for the dataset or layer level. For drivers where the same option is available for both levels, you will need to use dataset_options or layer_options to specify the correct level.

Option names are automatically converted to uppercase.

True / False values are automatically converted to 'ON' / 'OFF'.

For instance, you can use creation options to create a spatial index for a shapefile.

>>> write_dataframe(df, "/tmp/test.shp", spatial_index=True)

You can use upper case option names and values to match the GDAL options exactly (creation options are converted to uppercase by default):

>>> write_dataframe(df, '/tmp/test.shp', SPATIAL_INDEX="YES")

You can also use a dictionary to specify either dataset_options or layer_options as appropriate for the driver:

>>> write_dataframe(df, '/tmp/test.shp', layer_options={"spatial_index": True})
>>> write_dataframe(df, '/tmp/test.gpkg', dataset_options={"version": "1.0"}, layer_options={"geometry_name": "the_geom"})

Reading from and writing to in-memory datasets

It is possible to read from a dataset stored as bytes:

from io import BytesIO

# save a GeoJSON to bytes
geojson = """{
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
            "type": "Feature",
            "properties": { },
            "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [1, 1] }

geojson_bytes = BytesIO(geojson.encode("UTF-8"))

df = read_dataframe(geojson_bytes)

Note: this may emit a RuntimeWarning where the in-memory dataset is detected to be a particular format but lacks the expected file extension (e.g., .gpkg) because the in-memory path automatically created by pyogrio does not include the extension.

It is also possible to write a dataset to bytes, but driver must also be specified, and layer name should be specified to avoid it being set to a random character string:

buffer = BytesIO()

write_dataframe(df, buffer, layer="my_layer", driver="GPKG")

out_bytes = buffer.getvalue()

Note: this is limited to single-file data formats (e.g., GPKG) and does not support formats with multiple files (e.g., ESRI Shapefile).

It is also possible to use a /vsimem/ in-memory dataset with other GDAL-based packages that support the /vsimem/ interface, such as the gdal package:

from osgeo import gdal

write_dataframe(df, "/vsimem/test.gpkg", layer="my_layer", driver="GPKG")

# perform some operation using it
gdal.Rasterize("test.tif", "/vsimem/test.gpkg", outputType=gdal.GDT_Byte, noData=255, initValues=255, xRes=0.1, yRes=-0.1, allTouched=True, burnValues=1)

# release the memory using pyogrio
from pyogrio import vsi_unlink


Pyogrio can also read from a valid /vsimem/ file created using a different package.

It is the user’s responsibility to clean up the in-memory filesystem; pyogrio will not automatically release those resources.

Configuration options

It is possible to set GDAL configuration options for an entire session:

>>> from pyogrio import set_gdal_config_options
>>> set_gdal_config_options({"CPL_DEBUG": True})

True / False values are automatically converted to 'ON' / 'OFF'.